MTG - Magic: the Gathering
Return to Ravnica Spoiler
Return to Ravnica Set 1 of 3 in the Return to Ravnica block
Number of Cards: 274
Prerelease Events: September 29-30, 2012
Release Date: October 5, 2012
Launch Weekend: October 5-7, 2012
Game Day: October 27-28, 2012
Official Three-Letter Code: RTR
Twitter Hashtag: #MTGRTR
Return to Ravnica updates:
- Return to Ravnica Card List
- There will be two planeswalkers in the set. Jace, Architect of Thought and Vraska the Unseen.
- Shocklands confirmed
- Return to Ravnica Art Previews
- Each guild will have a new mechanic, but none of the old Ravnica keywords will appear.
- 5 guild leaders which are legendary creatures.